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Charis holds a dynamic set of experiences in design of the physical, conceptual and abstract, resulting in the design and creation of businesses, nonprofit social enterprises, and programs that create new formations in the disjointed mutations of modern specialization. Artifacts and experiments of this social design work can be found in objects including jewelry, clothing, audio, film, graphics, sculpture and experiences such as installations and workshops. Charis’ current works are a continuation of exploration and experimentation in understanding complexities and connectedness from the self to the world while developing a lexicon of both word and creation to communicate and explore this abstract terrain by creating works, experiences and conditions that lend to the possibility of emergence of new understandings and of bridges of perceptions within ourselves and towards each other. These bridges aim to decompose the cultural constructs of relational value to the material and gender to bring into our new future outside of the binary and into an embedded physical material reality of deep value and inherent connectedness, our ecology. Charis’ focus is placed in contributing to the history and future building of a genderless future of equity with a new reality of meaning and relational value towards physical objects and the material. The work into a non-binary, fluid, and sustainable future begins with our internal and every day relational experiences of self and each other, to begin to transcend the binaries of oppression throughout our sociological experiences and sociopolitical fictions; those that mirror the limitations of computation within the confines of the binary.
