prism film poster.jpg

noun: prism; plural noun: prisms

a solid geometric figure whose two end faces are similar, equal, and parallel rectilinear figures, and whose sides are parallelograms.

a glass or other transparent object in prism form, especially one that is triangular with refracting surfaces at an acute angle with each other and that separates white light into a spectrum of colors.
used figuratively with reference to the clarification or distortion afforded by a particular viewpoint.
"they were forced to imagine the disaster through the prism of television"

An experiment of expression to lend a taste into the imaginative abstract internal existence of gender fluidity and ambiguity. Holding no set home base on the gender spectrum, it is a constant natural flow and dance of dissolving, recreating, choosing, suppressing, embracing, and exploring.

Prism, two sides equal, that produces a spectrum of colors from a single light. Human, to produce a spectrum of emotions, experiences, ways of being, from a single life. 

The spectrum of emotions we each experience individually is as broad as the spectrum of gender experiences we each can experience individually. Sexuality, gender, emotions, they all have a spectrum from a single human individual experience but yet are all possible from each human experience. The spectral prisms of the human experience that include gender are just as diverse as the spectrums of emotions individuals are capable of experiencing. Prism is a visual dialogue of one frequency of potentials in an internal experience of gender. The vision is a world where this internal spectrum of potential experiences of gender is understood, accepted and normalized to the extent that human emotions are shared and understood and normalized. 

Directed, filmed, edited: Charis


Remember yesterday. Remember tomorrow. Remember always.

.we are fluid beings.