anthropocentric realities
As we enter this human created, post Holocene, geological age of the Anthropocene we do recognize our feet stepping into this space, attached to our legs that carry our consuming technical bodies carrying worlds upon worlds of beings those of which we depend to live, creatures that co-create our shared existence. We also see our arms, our hands, in motion, continuing the creation of this new era. Looking into our own minds, realizing this is where we imagine these ways of doing things that create these material realities, this space and time we can now see, realizing ourselves. Realizing that we are embedded, inherently connected to all in existence, yet, we have also materialized this new geological reality materially reaching from deep time from inside of our earth extending out into the galaxy. This is the moment in which we can see the material reality, the increasingly undeniable proof of our ability to create worlds. We are creators of worlds, realities, undoing the doings of the deepest time we can’t recognize nor imagine in our own short lifetimes. Perhaps as creators of worlds we can redefine the trajectory of this era through creating a new world, to resculpt a new future, slowing down our own making and undoing of things, of our own time, into a deep geological time to reflect the deep time that preceded our hands being used making us into these technical beings. Turning our making around to change a mirror into a window where we can see beyond the cycles of alienation, innovation, and appropriation and again back to alienation. Cycles of washing intention of the shared experienced realized into a perpetuation of a continuation of the way we have been doing this, are doing this, is a conversation in the past, a conversation too late. When we can no longer see the fingertips, when cars, gondolas, or footsteps no longer roam between buildings, when we've lost history to the depths of decay beyond .. then we will learn. Create a different way.