Kinematic Viscosity
As beings who are always already becoming, and existing beyond and within the sensorial and mammalian limitations of our perception of time and space, we are also existing as and in these bodies moving through a universe we don’t understand beyond these limitations. Fluidity can be a useful conceptual framework to explore and elucidate this space beyond our sensing where exists the space to be accessed, a space without a physical sensorial connection, a space of a deep knowing that guides and shapes our realities. This space is flow; it is the space of fluidity. A space where we exist before and beyond and within any moment, a space not of time as we understand. This is the space that is within, between and beyond our beings. It is where we experience resistance, movement, pressure, release, and flow. From our inside to the outside of who we are and how we experience the world and each other; our intersectional realities. This space and concept of fluidity is where we exist beyond the violent socio-political fictions of gender, where our beings in expression of our internal worlds exist beyond binaries. We are not siloed specialized individuals existing within these fictional constraints, we are fluid beings. It is where our connection to each other moves in various forms simultaneously beyond the electrochemical communication of our bodies. This flow is where our own personal energetic worlds connect and become woven into a vast ocean inaccessible to the retina. This space is where we can feel resistance, grounded like gravity with the pull of the moon, or pressure with release, like opening a bottle of carbonated liquid that flows into a shower washing over our beings, moving away resistance and fluidity in full motion picking up sediments and carving new physical realities of canyons, valleys, creating mountains, as we embody this flow.